Sponsor a Wylde Center Garden, Program, or Event
Place your business in front of Decatur and Atlanta residents with a passion for conservation, sustainable living, organic gardening, urban farming, local food, native plants, and outdoor environmental education and help us achieve our mission of supporting resilient communities by connecting people to nature. .
Wylde Center has a thriving group of engaged supporters who visit our gardens, attend our events, read our newsletter, and interact on all of our social media channels. Through these opportunities, we will make sure your business receives appropriate recognition and reaches our constituients.
Sponsorship Opportunity Highlights
Adopt a Greenspace
Align your brand with a Wylde Center greenspace. Garden sponsors recieve signage at their preferred greenspace for 3-12 months, reaching 1,000+ monthly visitors. Sponsors also receive recognition in Wylde Center monthly emails and social media.
Seed & Scion Exchange
Wylde Center kicks off its event year with our annual Seed & Scion Exchange. Over 200 people come together to share seeds they have saved. In exchange, they pick from the seeds available to take home and try in their garden.
Spring Plant Festival
The plant sale is our largest community program. The diverse offering of plants attracts gardeners from across metro-Atlanta. Plant Sale sponsors will be connected to our Plant Sale Festival in April.
Beer Garden & Silent Auction
We celebrate connecting people to nature at our Beer Garden & Silent Auction fundraiser. The event features food, beer, silent auction, and live music at the Oakhurst Garden. Our business partners receive extensive visibility and tickets to the VIP hour.
Children's Camps
The Farm to School program introduces students to new foods and instills a love and respect for the outdoors. Programs take place at various schools and include garden programming, taste tests, field trips, and internships.
Wylde Wreaths
Wylde Wreaths isa beloved holiday event. Attendees decorate a beautiful wreath for the holidays using materials we provide. Businesses sponsoring this event receive visibility throughout the two weeks the event is held.