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School Garden Spotlight: Westchester Elementary School

“We Are Entomologists, BUG EXPERTS”

by Westchester Elementary Kindergarten Students

We started off our expedition by learning about entomology and what it means to be an entomologist. We decided to call ourselves “Bug Scientists” because entomologists only study insects and we would be studying insects, spiders, and myriapods. Next, we became insect experts! We learned what makes an insect an insect and how they are different from other types of bugs. Our next topic of study was social insects. We learned that bees and ants live and work together, whereas other insects live alone. After social insects, we learned about spiders! We learned what makes spiders different from other bugs, their life cycles, behaviors, and physical adaptations. Finally, we learned about why we need bugs and why we couldn’t survive without them! We spent Better World Day filming news reports that teach the audience different facts about bugs and the importance of them in our world

Our final product was to make videos for Better World Day. The first part in making our final product, was to make bug puppets.

The children wrote their facts and opinions and practiced saying their original scripts.  They  practiced working their bug puppets while saying their facts. To prepare for this writing, the children wrote opinion pieces about why bugs are important, using factual reasons to state their opinions. When it came time to write a fact or two or three, the ideas came readily!







Using bug puppets, we filmed our bug facts on the green screen.

The puppets that the children made were used to give insects a voice. The puppets explained why bugs are helpful and interesting creatures. We made our own backdrops by collaboratively drawing pictures of gardens.



Enjoy the final projects here!